Auction Sale of trademark
Auction Sale of trademark, national trademark with class internet and domain. The offer is limited in time from 5 September 2021 to 12.00, with 31 December 2021 to 12.00 a deadline is set for the adjustment and specification of the submitted tender. The trademark will be monetized by the bidder with the highest bid.
Štítky: Amazon licensing, číslo registrace 333136 by, Databáze ochranných známek. Trade Mark Nr. číslo podání 497232 by, Domain law, Domain Name Extensions, Domain registration, Domains trade, Google domain licensing, gTLD Domains | New Top-Level Domains,, ICANN, Internet, Licensed attorney files your trademark application, New domain extensions, New TLDs Domain options, ochranné známky, Patent and Trademark Office, Purchase a Domain Name, Schutmarke Auktion, Schutzmarke, social media, software, TLDs, Top Level Domain List, Trade Mark, Trade Mark Auction, Trade Mark Sales, trade mark symbol, Trade Mark trade, TV, ÚPV, úřad průmyslového vlastnictví, úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ochranné známky Praha, web, Webpage, Website,